Investor Relations

 At Dosa's & Iddly's, we are excited about the journey ahead and invite potential investors to join us on our culinary adventure. To provide a clear and compelling overview of our investment needs and opportunities, we have developed a comprehensive pitch deck. This presentation highlights our restaurant chain's unique value proposition, business model, financial projections, market opportunity, and the qualifications of our dedicated team. We've also taken great care to ensure that the pitch deck is visually appealing and tells a compelling story.

Targeted Outreach

We understand the importance of connecting with investors who share our passion for the restaurant and hospitality industry. Our diligent market research has allowed us to identify potential investors, including venture capital firms, angel investors, private equity groups, and individuals with a history of supporting food-related businesses. We believe that finding the right investors who appreciate the art of culinary excellence is essential to our success.

We are also actively engaged in networking within the restaurant and culinary community. You can often find us at industry events, culinary expos, and food festivals, where we aim to meet potential investors in person and share our vision.

Online platforms, such as AngelList and Gust, serve as valuable tools for connecting with entrepreneurs and investors interested in diverse industries. We encourage potential investors to explore these platforms for more information about Dosa's & Iddly's and our investment opportunities.

We value warm introductions and referrals from mutual contacts. If you're passionate about the culinary world and see the potential in Dosa's & Iddly's, we welcome you to reach out or introduce us to potential investors who may be interested in joining our culinary journey.

For personalized guidance and expertise in restaurant investments, consider engaging a business advisor or consultant with experience in the industry. They can assist in identifying potential investors and provide valuable insights throughout the fundraising process.

Our commitment to delivering exceptional culinary experiences and our dedication to culinary innovation set us apart in the restaurant industry. We look forward to connecting with investors who share our vision and passion for creating memorable dining experiences. Together, we can embark on an exciting journey to elevate the world of food with Dosa's & Iddly's.

The Brand

Dosa's & Iddly's

South and North Indian Cuisine

Using the apostrophe 's' in "Dosa's & Iddly's" is our branding strategy for several reasons:

Emphasis on Authenticity: The inclusion of the possessive form with the apostrophe 's' underscores the authenticity of our brand. It conveys that these delectable dosas and iddlys are inextricably linked with our establishment, signifying their unique and special nature within our culinary repertoire.

Personal Touch: The apostrophe 's' imparts a personal and inviting touch to our brand. It suggests that these dishes are meticulously crafted with a sense of care and passion, akin to cherished family recipes or well-guarded culinary secrets. This personal connection resonates with our customers, creating a more intimate and genuine dining experience.

Differentiation: In a market where dosas and iddlys are readily available, the use of the apostrophe 's' sets our brand apart. It implies that our dosas and iddlys possess a distinct character or flavor profile that distinguishes them from the competition, making them memorable and sought after.

Storytelling: The possessive form also serves as a storytelling tool in our branding. It allows us to share the rich narrative of our family's culinary heritage, spotlighting the generations of expertise that contribute to the crafting of these dishes. This narrative adds depth to our brand, forging a meaningful connection with our customers.

Memorability: The incorporation of the apostrophe 's' enhances the memorability of our brand name. It infuses a unique twist into the spelling, making it stand out in the minds of customers and facilitating word-of-mouth marketing.

Cultural Connection: If our dosas and iddlys draw inspiration from specific regional or cultural traditions, the use of the apostrophe 's' underscores this connection. It implies that these dishes are prepared following time-honored, traditional methods, heightening their appeal and authenticity.

Incorporating the apostrophe 's' into our branding is a strategic choice that serves to communicate authenticity, personalization, and distinctiveness while weaving a compelling narrative about our brand's heritage and culinary mastery. It reinforces our commitment to offering a unique and unforgettable dining experience to our valued patrons.



"We are strategically expanding and franchising our presence in major metropolitan areas and key regions including India, USA, the Middle East, and Southeast Asia."

"Our vision is to establish a select number of exceptional restaurants across four major metropolitan cities in India, USA, Middle East & Asia Pacific. By 2032, we aim to cultivate a network of 100 restaurants, each delivering the highest quality dining experiences.

At the heart of our mission lies a profound appreciation for every moment and an unwavering commitment to excellence in everything we do. If you possess a commercial space of at least 400 to 2000 sq ft, ideally situated in prime locations near colleges, universities, shopping malls, airports, hospitals, bustling roads, or national highways, we invite you to join hands with us.

Becoming our partner is not just about franchising; it's about embracing our core values and sharing our dedication to serving hygienic, top-quality food with a warm smile. We seek individuals with a strong financial foundation and a track record of investment in the restaurant industry.

If you resonate with our vision and have the necessary resources, please reach out to us at Kindly provide your name, investment type, preferred location, city, and available liquid capital. Expect a response from our Franchise team within 72 hours.

Together, let's build not just a business, but a partnership rooted in shared values and a commitment to culinary excellence. Join us on this exciting journey to redefine dining experiences." 

Investment Type - A 
Tier 1 & Tier 2 Cities
2000 sq ft and above

Investment Type - B
Tier 1 &Tier 2 & Tier 3 Cities
1500 sq ft area

Investment Type - C
Tier 1, Tier 2 &Tier 3 Cities
1000 sq ft area

Franchise enquiries welcome in the following countries


Bangalore, Chennai, Delhi, Hyderabad, Mumbai


Chicago, New York, Dallas, Houston, Los Angeles

Middle East

Abu Dhabi, Bahrain, Doha-Qatar, Dubai, Muscat, Sharjah, Riyadh, Dammam and NEOM City

South East Asia

Kuala Lumpur, Singapore, Bali

"رؤيتنا هي إنشاء عدد مختار من المطاعم الاستثنائية عبر أربع مدن رئيسية في الهند والولايات المتحدة والشرق الأوسط وآسيا والمحيط الهادي. بحلول عام 2032، نهدف إلى زرع شبكة تضم 100 مطعم، يقدم كل منها تجارب تناول عالية الجودة.

في قلب مهمتنا تكمن تقدير عميق لكل لحظة والتفاني الثابت في التميز في كل ما نقوم به. إذا كان لديك مساحة تجارية تتراوح ما بين 400 و2000 قدم مربع، مثاليًا في مواقع رئيسية بالقرب من الكليات والجامعات والمراكز التجارية والمطارات والمستشفيات والشوارع الحيوية أو الطرق الوطنية، فإننا ندعوك للانضمام إلينا.

أن تصبح شريكًا لدينا ليس مجرد تفويت فرصة للاستفادة من الامتياز؛ بل هو عن تبني قيمنا الأساسية ومشاركة التفاني في تقديم الطعام عالي الجودة والنظافة مع ابتسامة دافئة. نحن نبحث عن الأفراد ذوي الأسس المالية القوية وسجل استثمار في صناعة المطاعم.

إذا كنت تتشبث برؤيتنا وتمتلك الموارد اللازمة، يرجى الاتصال بنا على يُرجى تقديم اسمك، نوع الاستثمار، الموقع المفضل، المدينة ورأس المالك السائل المتاح. توقع استجابة من فريق الامتياز لدينا خلال 72 ساعة.

معًا، دعونا لا نبني مجرد عمل تجاري، بل شراكة تنبت من جذورها في القيم المشتركة والالتزام بالتميز الطهي. انضم إلينا في هذه الرحلة المثيرة لإعادة تعريف تجارب تناول الطعام."

نوع الاستثمار - أ
المدن من الدرجة الأولى والثانية
منطقة تزيد عن 2000 قدم مربع

نوع الاستثمار - ب
المدن من الدرجة الأولى والثانية والثالثة
مساحة 1500 قدم مربع

نوع الاستثمار - ج
المدن من الدرجة الأولى والثانية والثالثة
مساحة 1000 قدم مربع

نحن مستعدون لاستقبال استفسارات الامتياز في البلدان التالية:


بنغالور، شيناي، دلهي، حيدر أباد، مومباي

الولايات المتحدة

شيكاغو، نيويورك، دالاس، هيوستن، لوس أنجلوس

الشرق الأوسط

أبو ظبي، البحرين، الدوحة-قطر، دبي، مسقط، الشارقة، الرياض، الدمام ومدينة نيوم

جنوب شرق آسيا

كوالالمبور، سنغافورة، بالي"

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